To engage, inform, and empower Nigerian Americans in the United States through policy impact, education, health and wellness, effective advocacy, and economic empowerment.


To be the center-point for Nigerian-American progress in Minnesota


Access to NAPAC Members Network.
Promote yourself, your Business, and your expertise to a wider network.
Gain access to free tools, and resources on running for political offices.
Launch your political ambition by leveraging the national resources of NAPAC.

who we are

Connecting thought, heart, and resources for creating collective action

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Meet our team

David Smith
David SmithSenior Consultant
KneschkeB Consultant
Marry Anna
Marry AnnaAdministrative Expert
Victoria Dougherty
Victoria DoughertyAccountant

The goal of NAPAC & its coalition of other organizations is to help establish a political platform & voice for Nigerians by influencing the election of candidates into elective positions.

Contact Us

  • Minneapolis, Minnesota
  • +1 320.420.0203
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • napac.org